Red Carpet Celebration for HOMEgirl Realty and Stairway to the Stars!
This past Tuesday, Main Street Washington celebrated a “Double Anniversary” for HOMEgirl Realty‘s one-year anniversary and Stairway to the Stars‘ thirty-year anniversary! In case you haven’t already, be sure to stop in and congratulate them on their continued success!
It’s Farmers’ Market Season!
It is officially time for the weekly farmers’ market here in downtown Washington! Last Thursday (05/16) was the first farmers’ market of the season, and it was a blast! In combination with the hundreds of visitors, dozens of sellers, and the special appearance of JT Sips and Chick-fil-A, this was a fantastic beginning of the season!
Missed it? No worries! The Farmers’ Market is hosted every Thursday (until October 10th) from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. here on the square!
(LIMITED-EDITION) Dub-Town Sweatshirts
We are happy to announce our newest addition to our collection, the dub-town sweatshirt! These are limited-edition sweatshirts available for $32 a piece and come in either pink or gray!
Interested? Be sure to support Downtown Washington and Main Street Washington by purchasing one of them here!

Limited-Edition Dub-Town Sweatshirts
Upcoming Events: Movie on Main & The Fly-In Breakfast
We are proud to announce that this year’s first Movie on Main Street event will showcase the movie Cars! Thanks to Community 1st Credit Union for sponsoring this event, the movie will be displayed live in Downtown Washington on Friday, May 31st at approximately 8:30pm!
This is the perfect event for the entire family! Be sure to bring enough blankets and chairs for you and your family! If you come early, you could even see a live car show, listen to a live band (pfat Back Boys), and visit the Chamber beverage tent! You can view more information here.

Movie on Main Street – Cars
If that wasn’t enough for you, Main Street Washington is planning on making an appearance at the annual Fly-In Breakfast at the Washington Municipal Airport on Sunday, June 4th, from 7-11am! You can find out more information about the breakfast here.

Fly-In Breakfast Event
REMINDER – Washington Seek & Find Event!
A friendly reminder about our FREE event (for ALL ages) being hosted throughout the month of May! Be sure to join in and participate for a chance to win FREE money! Click here to learn more!