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Update 11.13.2020: Main Street Washington announces its 9th round of the Washington Incentive Fund (WIF). Since 2008 this grant program has assisted downtown property & business owners transform their buildings. You must be part of the downtown Main Street district to participate. If interested, please review the Letter of Intent & submit to Sarah at Main Street Washington 205 W. Main Street or [email protected] no later than Tuesday December 1st, 2020 at 4 pm.
The goal of the Washington Incentive Fund (WIF) program is to encourage remodeling & repair work on commercial buildings in the Main Street District consistent with proven Main Street practices, including those that retain unique historic elements & use “green” materials.
Grants are offered on a sliding scale from $1000 to $10,000. All projects require owner funding & all elements of the project must meet MSW criteria. Grant funds may pay up to 50% of costs up to the amount awarded. Projects such as these are eligible:
- Maintenance- Roofs & Awnings
- Improvements & Repairs to existing buildings
Funds will be awarded after the project is completed according to contract with MSW. Grant amounts are subject to available funds. Previous WIF recipients are eligible to apply for new projects if they have not received a grant during the last active grant round.