We are men & women of and for the YMCA of Washington County. The members of this service club strive to alleviate human crisis, help people make the YMCA a great community servant in meeting urgent human need. The purpose of this club is to support, with financial aid and personal service, the programs of the YMCA of Washington County in areas of youth development, leadership training and community service. Our club was est. in 1925 and are still very active in our community. Our motto is ” To acknowledge the duty that accompanies every right.”
Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month in the YMCA Community Room.
* County Fair Booth
* Washington Area Baseball Concession Stand
* Work projects at the YMCA
* Assist with the Annual Partners with Youth Campaign
* Y’s Men’s Spring Youth Soccer
* Youth membership scholarships
* Summer Town Ball team sponsor
* Y’s Men’s Brotherhood Fund
* Y Staff Continuing Education
* Y equipment
* Y Swim Team
* Youth Summer Day Camp