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Current Members
Marde McConnell | Chair
Bob Bennett
Andy Dahl
Charles Halvorson
Victoria Hansen
Jayson Keniston
John Marshall
Byron Singbeil
Kelly Soukup
Rick Wagenknecht
Aaron Wulf
The Washington Tree Committee is active all year with many different types of projects. An example of the projects that the committee has undertaken over the years are an annual Arbor Day event, target streets, planting trees at Conger House, National Guard Armory, wastewater treatment plant, local schools, area sport fields, Elm Grove Cemetery and its entrance area, Washington County Hospital & Clinics campus, the Washington County Fairgrounds just to mention a select few.
There will also be a 100+ tree planting event where trees will be planted in several locations around Washington by the committee and volunteers after the “Free Tree Give-Away”. It is scheduled for a Saturday in May. It will be begin at 8 am and last till all trees are given away, usually within 15 minutes. This event receives funding from the Washington, Iowa Betterment Foundation.
Contact Committee Chair: Marde McConnell (319-653-3884) for details and to volunteer. Also contact Marde if you are interested in being a part of the committee or helping with other Tree Committee projects.