Office Hours
Monday – Friday
7:00 am to 4 pm
Other services located at the WWTP
- Yard Waste Service
- City Dog Pound (external link)
- Pay Dog Reclaim Fees Online
Wastewater Operations
The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) came on-line in August of 2012. It operates on a continuous fill Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). This replaced the old 1956 trickling filter WWTP. There are 4 SBR basins and each basin provides treatment to its contents. The SBR cycles are react, settle and decant. Each basin treats 5 batches of wastewater per day. The SBR WWTP includes overflow equalization, screening, grit removal, raw wastewater pumping, SBR treatment, UV disinfection, aerobic digestion for the biosolids, a biosolids storage basin and a laboratory/office building.
The WWTP is regulated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the United State Environmental Protection Agency.
Yard Waste Disposal
- Citizens are encouraged to bring their yard waste to the plant for composting. Stop by the Wastewater Treatment Plant office, first, for directions.
- The Yard Waste Center (YWC) is open from 7-4 Monday-Friday and Saturday mornings as announced during certain periods in the spring and fall.
- Visit the Yard Waste services page for more information.
Dog Pound
- The City picks up loose dogs and holds them for up to 7 days. At the end of this time period, dogs are transferred to the PAWS & More Animal Shelter in Washington for adoption.
- PAWS & More receives all stray cat dropoffs. More information is available at:
- The City’s Dog pound has a Facebook page to share dogs that have been picked up.
- Live traps are available for loan.
- Pay fees for dog reclaim online at: