Ambassadors of the Washington Chamber of Commerce 

The Chamber Ambassadors serve as representatives of the Chamber and goodwill ambassadors welcoming new businesses to the area and making our special events possible. Join the Washington Chamber Ambassadors and show your support for the local businesses and organizations.

Ambassadors are special people! They represent the Washington community and the surrounding area and are goodwill “ambassadors” for the local Chamber of Commerce. Ambassadors are usually the most outgoing, proactive employees in their company. They project a positive image for the company they represent and for the Chamber. Ambassadors perform a wide variety of duties in the communities the Chamber promotes (see suggestions below), but their main function is to help promote the Chamber of Commerce and make the Chamber events successful and enjoyable for everyone!

It is an opportunity for you and your employer to be in the spotlight. The local newspaper photographs each ribbon cutting for new businesses. This gives your company publicity as a supporter of new businesses coming to the area and of your Chamber of Commerce. It is a great opportunity to have a few minutes of fun and network with other movers and shakers in the community. By volunteering at Chamber events and attending the quarterly luncheons as an Ambassador, your business is always involved and kept up to date on what is going on within the community and surrounding area. The luncheon programs are informative and helpful to you as a business person. It takes teamwork to help create jobs and bring new business to the community. By serving as an Ambassador, you are showing you are a part of that team to infuse new life into the local economy and make our Chamber and its members successful!

Chamber Ambassadors are asked to promote the Chamber in the community, help the Chamber Board and staff host special events, attend periodic ribbon cuttings for new businesses throughout the year, attend Ambassador Planning Luncheons, and attend the Alive After 5 events.

Complete the short form below and return it to the Washington Chamber of Commerce, 205 West Main Street, Washington, Iowa, 52353. Fax it to 888-833-3529. Or, e-mail the Chamber office at [email protected], or call us at 319-653-3272.

Text COMMERCE to 84483 to receive alerts from Washington Chamber Ambassadors.

Do you know of a business or organization that has an upcoming landmark, anniversary or achievement that should be noted? Let us know, email us at [email protected].

2025 Chamber Ambassadors


Stacy Reese-Greiner Buildings

Vice President:

Genie Davis- WCDC/Advanced Employment Services

Past President:

Kara Booth – Washington State Bank

Ambassador Photographer:

Lyle Moen

Alisha Davis – Halcyon House

Andy Miller – Iowa State University Extension & Outreach

Angela Langstraat – Hills Bank and Trust

Angie Wellington – Washington State Bank

Brent Kromrie-KCTC

Casey Peck- KCTC

Charla Howard- HOMEgirl Realty

Connie Larsen – ReMAX Affiliates

Deanna McCusker – City of Washington

Elainie Turner- LattaHarris, LLP

Erik Buchholz- St. James School

Fred Stark- Retired/Lion’s Club

Genie Davis- WCDC/Advanced Employment Services

Hayley Wright- Hills Bank

Heather Marek- HOMEgirl Realty

Isabella Santoro- Dodici’s Shop

Jan Stauffer- CBI Bank & Trust

Janelle Escher- Federation Bank

Janelle Johnson – Hills Bank

Jaron Rosien- JP’s 207/Mayor of Washington

Jennifer Wharton- Hertz Appraisal Services

Joe Nichols- KCII

John Woodward – Washington County Hospital & Clinics

Julie Scott- SE Iowa Union

Kelly Shalla – KCTC

Lee Iben – ActionCOACH Business Coaching

Marty Beenblossom- Jones Eden Funeral Home

Mary Audia- WEDG (Washington Economic Development Group) 

Mason Fraker- Iowa Technology Systems

Matt Bryant – SE Iowa Union

Melanie Mueller – Community 1st Credit Union

Melissa Andrew –AllenMitchell, LLP

Melissa Myers – CBI Bank & Trust Company

Merrill Mason – Retired

Mike Kramme – Washington Preservation, LLC

Pat Smith- Pat Smith Holdings

Samantha Meyer – Main Street Washington

Shirley Brown – Don’s Jewelry & Design

Tammy Burlingame –WCDC, Inc. 

Terry Engelken – Washington State Bank