HUG-Happy Ukulele Group
Washington Public Library 115 West Washington St., Washington, IA, United StatesJoin us for fellowship, playing tunes, and creating harmony in the world! Registration not required.
HUG-Happy Ukulele Group
Washington Public Library 115 West Washington St., Washington, IA, United StatesJoin us for fellowship, playing tunes, and creating harmony in the world! Registration not required.
Tinker Tuesday
Washington Public Library 115 West Washington St., Washington, IA, United StatesThis free program features many hands-on activities including experiments, art and ideas to tinker with. This event is free for grades K-5th. No registration required.
Uniting Through History Contest
Washington Public Library 115 West Washington St., Washington, IA, United StatesTeens 7th-12th grade join us for the Uniting Through History Contest, workshop with special guest, poet and performer Caleb Rainey.
Live Performance by The Incredible 45’s
More info to come later!
Improving Your News Media Presence
Dodici's Shop 120 S Iowa Ave, Washington, IA, United StatesPresented by Kalen McCain, Washington Report (SE Iowa Union) and Debate Coach (ICCSD)Free presentation, open to the community, enjoy a free drink to order from Dodici’s Shop. Sponsored by the Washington Chamber of Commerce & Southeast Iowa Union.
Easter Bunny at Washington State Bank!
Washington State Bank 121 S Marion Ave, Washington, IA, United StatesHippity, Hoppity, the Easter Bunny is on it’s way!We are so excited to welcome everyone back into our Washington lobby for FREE visits with the WSB Easter Bunny on Friday, April 15th from 1-3 PM! We hope to see you there!
Live Performance by Superstar Mafia
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know “The Family” is thinking of you during this difficult time. We promise to notify you of all future events just as soon as we can. In the meantime, we’re going to make you an offer you can’t refuse. Be sure to support your local musicians every night…
Kewash Half Marathon
Downtown Washington Central Park Fountain, Washington, IA, United StatesA distance for everyone; a 5k, 10k, & Half Marathon
Easter Egg Hunt
Marr ParkBring your camera and a basket/bag to hold the eggs.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt at the Crawfordsville Ball Field behind the WACO Elementary School. Following after the Fire Department pancake breakfast.
Legislative Briefing-CANCELLED
Washington County Courthouse 210 West Main St., Washington, IA, United StatesFour sessions offered from January-April, on the third Saturday of the month from 10 a.m.-Noon at the Washington County Courthouse.Washington County Legislators: State Representative Jarad Klein (R), House District #78 State Representative Joe Mitchell (R), House District # 84 State Senator Kevin Kinney (D), Senate District #39 State Senator Jeff Reichman (R), Senate District #42