Main Street Washington had a special visit on Tuesday (April 2nd) from Carol Lilly, a Downtown Development Specialist for Main Street Iowa!
Despite the rather disgusting weather, Carol and MSW Executive Director, Samantha, slogged through the sleet to make stops at a few of our local businesses during the tour portion of the MSI visit. Carol was able to see the progress on a few ongoing (or completed) projects in the downtown district, including a stop into Brown’s Shoe Fit Co, a favorite of Carol’s as she used to work at one!
The visit from Main Street Iowa concluded with a workshop session with Main Street Washington, MSW Board Members, and MSW Committee Volunteers at the Washington Public Library.

Main Street Washington and Main Street Iowa’s Workshop Session
The work session revolved around creating ‘transformational strategies’ to best utilize our local program and determine how we can continue supporting the growth of our community. Main Street Iowa/Carol gave us some new strategies for us to explore, as well as a plan for us to adapt to the new Main Street America Accreditation Process.
Main Street Washington volunteers enjoyed Carol’s visit and left with a great plan outline and are eager to complete the strategy planning and start implementing all the great things!
After the session, we were lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the upcoming “MakeIT Space” at the library! There are so many amazing rooms and pieces of equipment, we can’t wait to see it all finished!
Thank you to Carol Lilly and Main Street Iowa for taking the time to visit Main Street Washington and supporting our efforts to make Downtown Washington a place you want to be!