I am Carol Wehr. My husband Ron needed another Hobby 30 some years ago and decided to learn the art of beekeeping. I decided to join him because he would go beekeeping and not show up for hours. Now we are both hooked on beekeeping. The challenge of controlling mother nature can be captivating. Honey Bees produce nature’s one ingredient sweetener, honey. Ron’s hobby has been successful, and our challenge is to market it. We sell honey in the Hy-Vee and Fareway grocery stores in Washington and Kalona General Store in Kalona, IA as well as at our house. Ron also teaches beekeeping classes at Kirkwood Community College every winter. Through the business and classes we have made many friends and met many interesting people and learn about other crops dependent on honeybees, like growing aronia berries, pumpkins and truck gardening. It is a real sweet hobby.
Category: Locally Made Goods
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