
Deep Learning. Growing Faith. Real Life. The City of Washington is rich with religious traditions and values and is home to a wide variety of places of worship. There are […]

Parks And Recreation

[…] 915 West Main Street Name First Last PhoneEmail Select your OfficialSelect your OfficialDeanna McCusker | City AdministratorDeb Wagler | Utility Billing ClerkAmanda Waugh | City ClerkKelsey Brown | Finance DirectorLinda […]


[…] 915 West Main Street Name First Last PhoneEmail Select your OfficialSelect your OfficialDeanna McCusker | City AdministratorDeb Wagler | Utility Billing ClerkAmanda Waugh | City ClerkKelsey Brown | Finance DirectorLinda […]

Streetlight Outages

Report Streetlight Outage Decorative Streetlight Outage? Report to City HallPlease report any non-decorative street light outages to the Alliant Energy Outage page:Report Streetlight Outage Washington Iowa streetlight data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D’http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg’%20viewBox%3D’0%200%202559%20853’%2F%3E